black and white photo of microphone

About the Program

MyStory Academy is an afterschool enrichment program for young people who want to become exceptional audio storytellers. In our networked era, turning fragments of data into compelling narratives is an essential skill. The program is exciting for participants who love to investigate burning questions, collaborate with peers, and discover their unique voice. Through applying skills in sound design and narrative writing, participants will skillfully craft stories that leave an impact. Join us on this exciting adventure!


Storytellers are critical thinkers. From idea discovery to audio production, you will be challenging assumptions, examining relationships and detecting patterns.


Abundance of information can
overshadow facts and meaning. You will be evaluating information, verifying facts, analyzing credible sources to produce a coherent narrative that really matters to you.

The program will encourage you to set goals, manage your time effectively, and explore your passions. You will take charge of your learning, delve into new ideas, and acquire self-reflection abilities.


Captivating stories demand creativity at every stage, from developing your plot, to implementing sound design techniques effectively.

Stories are one of the most
effective ways of communication. With purpose and dedication, you will articulate, inform, motivate, and persuade.


Behind every story is a diverse
team. You will active listening, receptiveness to constructive feedback, engagement with different viewpoints, and adaptability.

Why Join?

A short story about us

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Years of experience

Classes taught

a man riding a skateboard down the side of a ramp
a man riding a skateboard down the side of a ramp